Affordable High Performance CNC Plasma Cutting Systems

Useful Skillsets
Giving Your Students Professional
Skills that Provide Future Jobs

Unlimited Opportunities
Give Your Students CNC Skills
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Powerful Performance
Nothing Outperforms PlasmaCAM CNC Plasma Cutting Systems

Easy to Use
Design and Control Machine
from the Same Software Package

Best Support
The Most Advanced Support System and Best Warranty in the Industry!

Best Value
Tailor Your New CNC Plasma Cutting System to Your Needs

PlasmaCAM CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

The #1 Choice for Metal CNC Education

PlasmaCAM has sold more CNC Plasma Cutting Machines to the Education Sector than any other CNC Manufacturer!
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TOP 3 Reasons Schools Decide to Buy a PlasmaCAM CNC System:


CNC Plasma Cutting Machines

PlasmaCAM CNC cutting machines have been acquired by thousands of schools and other educational institutions just in USA for more than 15 years.
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CNC Plasma Cutting Machines

The DesignEdge™ software package allows your students to design products and control the machine from the same software package.
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CNC Plasma Cutting Machines

Nobody offers a more advanced and efficient multi-layered support system specifically for the metalwork industry than PlasmaCAM does.
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