Metal silhouettes produced
by Dan Freeman By B.J. Nelson |
Dan Freeman of Osage is turning out beautiful
silhouette, metal designs in his welding shop. Their new
computerized PlasmaCam cutter has been a family project. Any
pattern that can be scanned into the computer program can be
cut from metal. The heavy, yet functional mailbox stand has
been a popular item. “I use
imagination, family suggestions, and customer requests to
create silhouette designs of steel cut with my computerized
plasma cutter called a PlasmaCam.” Dan Freeman began. “I
have wanted one of these for a long time, but it took a little
coordination to get the entire system put together. Plus,
thanks to my family, they’ve all done their part in getting
this system up and running. I bought the PlasmaCam, the plasma
table, then added our own computer to the system. This is the
brain of the whole operation, and we built a special dust and
humidity proof, air-conditioned room within the shop to
protect and house the computer system. Our son and son-in-law,
Joe Freeman and John Heimer and my wife, Deb, were the
instigators in getting the whole thing up and running. My good
friend, Marty Chisholm, also helped alot in building and
setting up the computer lab. I’m just the old welder, the kids
and wife have the brains!”“Next came the development of
the patterns and what to make. The PlasmaCam will cut sheets
of steel up to 4 x 4 ft. at a time. You just have to scan the
pattern into the computer and tell it what to cut. The first
cuts are all the inside cutting and next, it goes all around
the outside of the pattern in a continuous cut. When it is
cut, I clean and finish all the edges, and then apply several
coats of black paint. Lately, we have been experimenting with
a brown, rustic paint, that look is popular now, but ours
won’t really rust. When this is finished, you have a beautiful
silhouette design, which is steel, thus will last a
lifetime.“At first, we did a lot of asking around to see
just what people would like to see made. Mostly, the designs
asked for were patterns of their favorite hobbies, hunting,
fishing, reflections of their living styles, such as farming
or their general business. We also can do customized
silhouettes such as the outline of a real person, dog or pet
or even your house. If you bring us a picture of your favorite
hunting dog, for instance, we can re-create it within the rest
of the pattern. If grandpa loves to fish, bring in his
picture, and we’ll cut his silhouette and have him looking
very natural in his fishing boat. One of the favorites we do
is a combine with tiny, detailed rows of corn in the
background. This seems to be popular favorite in this area.
Another is our metal mailbox holder, which I will customize to
your lifestyle with anything that I can cut out. The one I
have in the shop now is the state of Iowa, rows of corn and a
pig. There are a lot of pork producers out there. This stand
is very sturdy and heavy, plus functional and attractive. I
can even cut your name, farm name or favorite sport’s team
into the metal for a more personalized one-of-a kind mailbox
stand.“Lately, I have been adding a sturdy hook to a
design to make it functional as well as beautiful. You can use
the hook to hang a name plate, a hanging plant, a bell, or
anything else you think up to put on it. I just did a fireman,
an elk and the combine in the cornfield on this hook style. I
can do smaller hooks on the longer silhouettes to use as a
coat rack. The ideas are endless. You can create really
striking design and attach to your house or building or I can
cut out your own personal business sign within the metal. If
it is a picture or pattern we can scan into the computer, we
can cut it out of metal.“You never run out of ideas. Right
now, we are working on golf and recreation designs. We have
new patterns for seasonal things such as santas, snowmen,
pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, and angels. Garden sculptures are
really popular now too and we’re working on metal sunflowers,
daisies, gazing ball holders, weather vanes, and lawn
furniture. Creating household furniture, especially headboards
for beds is a future possibility too. I have also been
experimenting with copper designs and did some fall leaves in
copper. They turned out beautiful. However, copper is rather
expensive, so we’ll probably do special requests only in
copper.“I work in maintenance at Fox River Mills in Osage,
which I might add, is a great place to work. I also run the
blacksmith and welding shop at Little Cedar evenings and
weekends. But, the PlasmaCam has been a great thing, all of my
family enjoy using it. Since I always seem to be working here
at night and weekends, it got the wife and kids involved too,
so it’s something we can do together here at the welding shop
in Little Cedar. I have a collection of my work at Cathy’s
Cyberspace and Mini-Mall in Osage or you can call me at the
welding shop evenings or leave a message, 641-983-4404.” Dan
concluded. |
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